Monday, December 14, 2009

All hooked up in your studio and no business?

Make no mistake about it, the economy has hurt many talents but don’t pack in the towel just yet. If you’re looking to get your voice out there so others can at least hear your golden delivery, don’t forget your local TV affiliates and production houses. Far too often talents never get in the car- or network in their own back yards! Not good if you need to make some extra cash. The fact is if the agent isn’t calling you…you need a source of income! and to do that you need to visit and make appointments with potential clientele, such as TV stations, Cable companies, production houses, video companies, churches, voice-mail / hold companies.

There are many possibilities, don’t think they are coming to you! Go to them and befriend some businesses to use your services. Will power is necessary but so worth it. Break a Mic!

Friday, December 4, 2009

Name your price?

As the economy hits all sectors with still high unemployment do you drop your rates, or stay where you’re at? From what I have experienced from New York City to Davenport, is people want deals! Yes your agent may keep you at the standard rate while the smaller guys need to wheel and deal to keep their clients happy. How low will you go is the question?

My advice is this, don’t cheapen yourself to insult, keep a fair price on your services, or you will have a tough time getting anymore anytime soon.
I know things are tough and a man or woman needs to make a living, be careful in your approach word get out faster than you think, and it’s your business that’s on the line.