Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Voices are subjective

Will I get the gig, or not? Will they like my voice style or delivery? If you’re a seasoned Vo talent, you know this is all subjective. So many things go on in the minds of decision makers, producers that sometimes it’s just they had something different on their minds, like Morgan Freeman or a Jay Leno sound alike and they never mentioned that in the audition. If you’ve been in the business long enough, you understand the game and don’t get bent out of shape if you don’t score every audition.

My rule of thumb is… get as much information possible, then understand to the fullest what the director is seeking! Then give my best performance in the booth. What we think & what happens on the other end, perhaps we will never no! So
Keep auditioning, keep sending stuff out…its what we do to persevere in this thing we call VO. http://www.57thstreetmedia.com

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Change your thinking change your life.

Perhaps you have heard somebody say that thoughts are things? Well they are! And what you entertain becomes your reality. Positive thinkers like Norman Vincent Pele and Dr. Robert Schuler both said this and taught that negative thoughts created negative environments. If you really believe this, then what thoughts do you entertain? Is it of success and triumph, or disaster and despair? Take a moment and envision what success looks like, now think of what failure looks like. Both of these are reality’s, what one would you rather entertain and follow? I’m with the success one and will make that my daily focus as I endeavor to reach out and broaden my brand throughout the country. Maybe you need to change your thinking today and don’t be surprised in doing so what things might come. http://www.57thstreetmedia.com

Tuesday, October 19, 2010


Goals are important in life no matter what you’re trying to accomplish. When I embarked on this journey in 1986 in Voice-over I had a desire to win and allowed nothing, including age to hold me back. It is a fact that your dreams may not be anyone else’s, and chances are people wont understand your determination doing so! If you want to succeed at this business, reputation is so important! How you treat others ultimately comes full circle. Think of the people you talk to regularly and those who are in contact with them, etc. Just practice being the best VO guy or girl you can be…the future can be bright, be diligent in your quest for more work, and take each job as if it were your very first opportunity. I take nothing for granted; each job blesses my family and helps me stay in the game. I call what I do “fun”. But make no mistake about it…its still a business and there is money to be made. Be determined and live with purpose. http://www.57thstreetmedia.com

Friday, October 1, 2010

What’s stopping you?

In a day it’s not imposable to speak to over 100 people, how about 350 people a day! If your wanting to find an agent and someone that will represent you, you will have to pick up the phone and smile and dial baby;-)) Its not always easy having the phone hang up on you, however the proven number of calls made shows that persistence pays over the long haul. What you can expect commonly out of 100 calls, at least 15-20 that may want to have some continued dialog with you and your voice. How many calls have you made today? this week, and this year? What’s stopping you? If it’s the phone bill get magic jack, $19.95 a year! If you want to work in this business start making calls. Many just rely on e-mail…bad mistake, the human connection is so much stronger and they can hear your voice. I practice what I preach, and you will find me on the phone smiling and dialing all throughout the week, sharing my talent and expecting results. You will find after 40-50 calls, you can do this…practice makes perfect! http://www.57thstreetmedia.com

Friday, August 27, 2010

Can I do this?

Many wonder if Voice-overs are right for them! This is a trade that you should learn to love, and love to learn. My experience in the industry has given me true insight as to the realities and possibilities for a talent pursuing voice-over. In a sea of voices there is many more people getting in to this business, that can be a little freighting and exciting if you are in it for the long run. I have had many mentors throughout my career and almost positive that there will be more as I stick with my profession. Like many businesses, there will be up’s and downs and the downs sometimes can feel like an eternity. The one certainty if you love this business and continue to learn and seek out true professionals that will work with you…your bottom line should start growing. I have found that excellence is only achieved through hard work; and real life experiences that broaden ones prospective to give you a full view, as to all you can be. So can you do this? I think the bigger question is will you do this? If succeeding matters to you, remember the price that was paid for you… to call yourself an American! That should motivate anyone that truly gets it.http://www.57thstreetmedia.com

Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Voice-over JAUNDRA’s

As I tell my students studying Voice-over, there are as many different reads in voice-over as music Jaundra’s! Knowing this is very important and critical to your success. A seasoned professional will know this and certainly will stay in their range of delivery. Not many people are great narrators or story tellers, yet they have a read that works best for them. They say variety is the spice of life..YES and the more you can do the better. My rule of thumb is read as much copy as you can stomach, in doing so you should get an idea of what you’re good at; and what is just not you. If you’re looking to broaden your appeal, pick up your listening skills and let a specific delivery speak to you! Listen to that read/delivery only until you nail it. Mastering individual reads will open more doors and put more money into your bank account. http://www.57thstreetmedia.com

Monday, May 24, 2010

Realizing your potential

Have you ever doubted yourself? It’s not that you suffer from depression or low self esteem; it’s when you just don’t know what to think…you’re at the point where you just don’t know what to do! I have been there, and you know what…it helps me to go through that now and then to reset. A good old fashioned reality check sometimes is in order. In business you’re in control of your destiny, I believe that; and hope you do as well. If you are going to realize your full potential in Voice-over, jump off the cliff and enjoy the ride….Yes it’s unnerving, but it’s worth the risk and the lessons learned. If I hadn’t gone into the production business and rented a location many years ago, I wouldn’t have realized what a blessing it is to work for myself. Stop look and listen, advice given to children when crossing the road...Its advice we adults need all the time. Take advantage of daily opportunities all around you...Who knows, you may even surprise yourself! http://www.57thstreetmedia.com

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Show me the money

Jerry McGuire’s line “Show me the money” has been my motto and business principle. I just think if you are good, you shouldn’t have to lower your price! Sure there’s plenty who will; and cheapen their worth in my opinion. Your reputation in how low you can go will travel to fast. If this is your bread and butter so to speak, let them know you have mouths to feed! I don’t feel bad asking what I feel I’m worth, and you shouldn’t either. Have you ever paid for something that others would say you were crazy for doing so? It’s because you felt good about your purchase, the same holds true in how much you sell yourself for! Reputation is all too important, set your sights higher, be better and ask them to show you the money! http://www.57thstreetmedia.com

Friday, April 9, 2010

A recession proof job

As the recession continues, companies still needs to reach consumers and that means voice-over talent make money! Make no mistake about it...Voice-over and advertizing a multibillion dollar industry that continues to make headway. Whether you want to supplement your income or make a great living, voice-over opportunities are plentiful.

As a talent that voices commercials for radio & TV, I can tell you agency representation is the key to working!!! If you are seeking representation don’t stop until you have an agent that believes in you and is getting you work. Not all will come to you immediately, some may say; call us when you land a big deal...Still others not even a mere response? And you wonder what is going on right! My best advice to you all is this…. Keep your demo up to date, Have your demo gone through by industry professionals, keep dialing, continue practicing your craft, and never give up! Theres work out there, go get it. http://www.57thstreetmedia.com

Monday, March 22, 2010

My best voice-over ever

What was your best voice-over ever? The one that you felt was important to brag about? I was privileged to have done some Voice work for the late Peter Jennings of “World News Tonight” What a thrill it was to know it made it on Network TV. Not everything you will do will have that kind of prestige! I am cutting a sales presentation today for Checkers/Rally’s National sales convention, and I feel that this work is just as important. The point I wish to make here should be apparent…All work is important and were only as good as our last spot! Enjoy the ride many more great commercials, coming up. http://www.57thstreetmedia.com

Thursday, March 18, 2010

To be good at something

For any great achievement to take hold; hard work and vision were always part of the plan! During training there is always rough weather, and temporary setbacks that can seem at times strong enough to knock us off our feet. What makes people great is getting up after each setback and never giving in to defeat. Life is a gift and knowing that in itself should give you the motivation to try great things and dream big things! Perhaps you needed to read this, I am happy that my motivation can become a help to move you forward in your pursuits. Keep the faith, keep positive things around you, and never forget that to be good at something you have to put your heart into it. http://www.57thstreetmedia.com

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

You’re business plan

At the end of the day when it’s all said and done it’s your business! Plenty of company’s make their people evaluate job performance and it makes a person think a little, not such a bad thing. Stepping back and evaluating your business plan and retooling how you do things may help to breathe new life into your business. A friend of mine did this and found out how much time he was spending on the phone instead of marketing and redirected 20 more hours a week to that area, and gained 5 additional clients in just two months! Perhaps you need to rethink some things that you’re doing? Who knows you might just gain some new business yourself. Take a breath and calculate your time in the studio and ongoing marketing plans. It doesn’t take much to turn a ship around, little to the left, a little to the right.
Happy hunting ;-) http://www.57thstreetmedia.com

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

For the love of the business

Many people ask me how I make it in this business, I tell them I love what I do! I believe that is an important trait to succeeding in Voice-over. Besides a love, a true passion that seeks out professional mentors and trainers that can give the edge you’ll need to make it! You may have a good voice and have gotten lucky here and there, but that won’t keep food on the table. The people I find succeed are “go getters” they don’t invent the rules...They persevere and don’t quite!!!

If you love this business, learn it from people that are on top and making money. There was a time many years ago, where I believed I didn’t need anyone to critique my work or demo…what a bad idea! We need each other, and the fact is...It’s not the Wild West, even though it feels like it most days. Keep focused, don’t be lazy and try to do things half assed; that will only keep you chasing your tail until it falls off. http://www.57thstreetmedia.com

Friday, January 8, 2010

It's a new year

It’s a new year and I believe 2010 is going to be a great year! Attitude is fundamentally important for success and knowing this truly will help you in your career pursutes. This year I am committed to reaching out of my comfort zone and exploring other avenues of revenue like on camera and spokesmen for top fortune 500 companies. If this economy has taught us anything flexibility and creative endeavors has made all of us work so much harder.

I can honestly say I profited in 2009 not that I made what I was hoping for, but God was good and fed my family. Let me encourage you whoever you are, keep dreaming, keep doing, keep learning, and keep a good attitude! that in itself it will propel you to do more I believe. Some may say that is sweet and thanks for the feel good Keith, I say practice these things and see if what I’m saying adds to your bottom line this year. http://www.57thstreetmedia.com