Monday, December 14, 2009

All hooked up in your studio and no business?

Make no mistake about it, the economy has hurt many talents but don’t pack in the towel just yet. If you’re looking to get your voice out there so others can at least hear your golden delivery, don’t forget your local TV affiliates and production houses. Far too often talents never get in the car- or network in their own back yards! Not good if you need to make some extra cash. The fact is if the agent isn’t calling you…you need a source of income! and to do that you need to visit and make appointments with potential clientele, such as TV stations, Cable companies, production houses, video companies, churches, voice-mail / hold companies.

There are many possibilities, don’t think they are coming to you! Go to them and befriend some businesses to use your services. Will power is necessary but so worth it. Break a Mic!

Friday, December 4, 2009

Name your price?

As the economy hits all sectors with still high unemployment do you drop your rates, or stay where you’re at? From what I have experienced from New York City to Davenport, is people want deals! Yes your agent may keep you at the standard rate while the smaller guys need to wheel and deal to keep their clients happy. How low will you go is the question?

My advice is this, don’t cheapen yourself to insult, keep a fair price on your services, or you will have a tough time getting anymore anytime soon.
I know things are tough and a man or woman needs to make a living, be careful in your approach word get out faster than you think, and it’s your business that’s on the line.

Sunday, November 22, 2009

Voice-over demos and studios

Home studios have definitely caught on across the fruited plains, so much so that if you needed to build an army air force, navy, or marine barracks you’d be all set! The only problem with that notion with having a studio and kick ass equipment is someone that has brains enough to know how to produce a quality spot. It drives me crazy when Lee Roy tells Jimmy he’s got the hook up to produce the world’s greatest demo, yet Lee Roy hasn’t a clue as to what a VO demo is! One of my main functions I think besides being a talent and teaching others the art of VO…Is “good old common sense” I say all this to caution you from making the mistake so many people have in thinking they made the right decision when it came to their all important demo.

My company 57th Street Media is one of many company’s who assist people in their pursuit in the world of Voice-over. It’s not all about money with me; it’s about training a person to be able to discover the many facets of the industry and with evaluation, formulating a plan that makes sense for them! It’s never a one size fits all world. Be careful for the Lee Roy’s out there!

Monday, November 16, 2009


I think about my beginning years how instrumental and pivotal each person was to my development in Voice-over. I have been at it since 1986 moving up on 40 in January I believe the best is yet to come! What made my mentors special was the no holds bar approach that seemed to stick with me the most, tighten up, open your mouth, breath…don’t breath! Their love for the business and professionalism inspired me to reach higher and to believe in myself. I find myself hearing a mentor Don Keys saying things like, Keith is that the best you have? Are you proud of that?

Many of you have fond memories of those who showed you the ropes and continue to have affection for him or her. You will find becoming a mentor yourself, an accelerating experience showing others the methods you use to get the job done. If you have not had the unique privilege of having a mentor, look around Voiceover universe, you will find many who would assist you and befriend you.

Monday, November 9, 2009

Knowing your good, ain't good enough

In school you may have wanted to try out for the team, only to find the coach wasn't much interested in you. Meanwhile your frustrated and agitated, as to why the coach didn't try you out! On a Thursday the same kid who didn't get the chance to pitch was pitching after school with some friends...the coach noticed the kid and made note of the ability he saw and the next practice the coach asked the boy if he would pitch, the kid excitedly answered yes..then said do you think I have what it takes?

you have never seen me pitch! the coach smiled and said yes I have... and you got it show the team what you can do. Now that was a happy ending, not all get the chance to be called into the game. In the field of Voice-overs knowing your good, ain't good enough..its what your fellow colleagues say, and its what producers say,& what the agent says after reviewing your demo. Never forget... know one go's it alone out need feedback and critique to propel you towards success.

Friday, November 6, 2009


It’s not the easiest thing to get a good agent, let alone a great agent! It’s really an interesting process in New York for instance the heat is on there and you can be really good at your craft; however so are100 s if not thousands of others. If I thought I had every agency nailed as to what they were thinking, I would be a house hold name worldwide. It sometimes can be a mystery because you are not in the room or have a clue as to what their full talent roster looks like. The variables are plenty and can leave you wondering what you did or didn’t do. Have you been there? I have and still find it strange when things are said great talent, Good raw talent? That one always kills me! I had this twice said two me in my 20 + career. Take a breath and pursue another agency and be sure to check back with the others as things change often in this business, sometimes daily.

You cannot win them all, but you can have a decent cut if you allow yourself the discipline and determination of not giving up! I will tell you the follow up is the main ingredient and yes timing is sometimes everything, right time, right place...But if you’re not marketing yourself and getting yourself out there, nothing is going to happen.

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Laser beam intensity

Thomas Edison worked around the clock on improving the light bulb for home use; he failed hundreds of times until he found the necessary carbonized filament that proved successful. He has been quoted as saying for every failed attempt is another step forward. I subscribe to this way of thinking, how about you?

You can allow location to stop you, you can allow poor talent agencies to stop you, and you can allow yourself to stop you! Become something great my friend whoever you are, break the barriers break the stigma of doubt and be like a laser beam with its intensity focused on the goal. My words I live by right there with you, knocking on doors jumping through hoops navigating steep hills.

I know that my efforts will benefit my family and others by what I do. How about you? What is it that you want? Write it down, confess it as happening and set your feet towards that direction. If it wasn’t for Edison finding a better way to light up the world, who knows how much longer, we would be sitting in our homes with candles! It’s time to get your laser beam out and aim for the stars.

Saturday, October 31, 2009

Perception= reality

You have heard of the placebo effect right? Well I believe negative words and negative environments can cause the same thing in a person’s life if they don’t identify the problem. A spouse a family member or friend can offer you bad advice that can hold you back from being successful. John F. Kennedy had a rather odd view of himself; he wasn’t very self confident- his brother Ted told his brother, who cares what you think! It’s what people perceive you to be. Lots of truth to that. Create a positive environment around you, surround yourself with positive people that can keep you motivated and connected to where the action is. Positive and success like each other. So keep a smile on your face, keep your eye on the ball and never stop growing into a successful business man or woman. Your perception of yourself is important, but what others think, is equally important.

Monday, October 26, 2009

VO super star

It makes me laugh when I see how many voice-overs produced in the U.S. are from no names! Yes they have a name...But the industry hasn’t awarded them with any sparkling trophies or trips to Vegas. And this is the case with thousands of people in the industry that may never get the acclaim. Don’t let that be your focus, yes be excellent and pursue the big agencies and the high paying gigs...Don’t get sucked into thinking you’re not good if you don’t win a golden trophy for your work. There are plenty of successful people doing well for themselves in market 100 knocking on doors, sending CD’s out and scoring some nice opportunities because they wanted the work. So I say be a VO super star wherever you may be, you are here by awarded this gold medallion for all you do!

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

So you want to be a voice-over artist

One of the first things I ask a prospect exploring voice-overs is why? Here is what I get most of the time. People tell me I have a good voice, my boy friend or girl friend says I would be good at the business, or my mother says I should be on the radio. The most important question I could ask a prospect is what do you think of you doing voice-overs? Many say they don’t know great answer! I like to teach individuals that want to learn the art of voice-over, willing open participants desiring to learn a craft that could make them money. So you want to be a voice-over artist… great! I hope you like hearing your own voice, because you will be hearing it quite often and as a matter of fact most every day in one form or another. Do ego’s help, sure they do, just keep humble in the studio ;-)

The amount of practice for truly professional talent adds up to be in the thousands of hours and multiplied. This is not an overnight get rich scheme, so STOP if that’s what you’ve been told. Can you make a really good living you bet! I believe in purpose, keep asking yourself why, and if it adds up that this is your main passion, there’s no stopping you in the voice-over universe.

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Rejection, do I suck?

Do you wound easily? Then Voice-overs may not be for you! It’s all part of this dog and pony show. It would be so nice to know exactly how the producer thought for every project but that’s just not likely unless you are a mind reader. So toughen up and break a mic! The fact is… if you are going to get better you will need to have some doors slam shut. Now it’s not always that you sucked, it’s just not what the casting director envisioned for the scrip. Now if the door is closing way, way too many times, perhaps there’s something going on with your performance, or your demo told them something different that you just cannot pull off.

Not all auditions should you cast for, knowing what you’re exceptional at and what you’re not so hot at, should give you a rough idea as to what you should be aiming for. Now if you are still fearful take a breath and remember that you are a commodity, some will go for you , and others will pass you by, not to worry, it’s all part of what we Voice-artisans go through on a weekly bases. Have fun is still a great business ;-)

Friday, October 16, 2009

It’s another Friday

Just so everyone knows about my blog postings, I was hesitant at first to daily let alone blog at all because of all the hype already out there. The reason I find it necessary to say so much is to share my thoughts and experiences so hopefully you will be more inspired and encouraged to pursue a voice-over career with passion that inspires others. It is really a blessing that so many seek me out for advice regarding agencies agents, listening to demos and just listening!

I am certainly glad that there is many more like me in the industry that treat others respectfully and conduct their business with integrity and want to pass on what they know to others that eagerly want to make a go of it themselves. I will be 40 in January…I have been proud to have worked with some of the industry’s top names or have spoken to them on the phone about what bonds us together. Have I arrived as the all and all of voice-overs? Lol! Not yet, but believe I’m on my way…how about you?

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Networking in Voice-overs?

There are so many places to share your day in’s and day out’s these days, what difference do these sites really make? Professionally speaking, you’re not going to tip off your competition as to what agency you’re working with on what project. Many would be envious, and start dialing right behind you!!! marks my words. Be careful as to what information you share, and what content you allow to be seen and heard.

I do believe in friendly banter and connecting with likeminded people, all positive...Just keep in mind what you share and how you share it could end up helping or hurting you. So my rule of thumb is this, tell how you are faring through your projects and scoring another gig, just don’t mention with whom, unless you want to tip others off to your source. I like sharing, but in business to keep my work above reproach on all accounts.

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Don’t kid yourself!

If you have worked in the industry as I have for the past 23 years things have changed, and loyalties are not what it used to be! When you hit a winning streak and you feel you’re unstoppable, stop and get a grip. I won’t mention any names but many big names have had the carpet pulled out from under them, with not a hint of why! Don’t get to comfortable with your agency…clients come and go; you on the other hand have to keep producing. My recipe is a constant evaluation of marketing. You need to revamp, reinvent, and keep up with lightening speed in this fast paced media age. Some of you have made really good money with your craft and understand the eggs in one basket = stupidity long term. Patience, persistency and a little good luck coming your way all does help. So remember keep your head on, don’t get to complacent about your position enjoy it and keep your eyes on the big picture... Building your business!

Monday, October 12, 2009

How bad do you want it?

Have you ever wanted something bad enough that you would be willing to walk barefoot on hot coals? I think dreams are made from willing participants who are willing to stop at nothing from attaining the goal. You want to be a success in your voice-over profession but are you giving it your all? There are two types of people in the world…those that choose the road before them, and those that follow the road without knowing where it Leeds. I speak from firsthand experience, hard work and a desire to be the best keep me reaching, knocking and pursuing avenues in front of me. Life can be hard and circumstances can change things on a dime…just be inspired at the men & woman in uniform that risk their lives every day to protect our freedoms! Go for the gold, get that audition nailed and be your very best. A blind man living in a city nearby once could see…that impairment didn’t stop him from producing! What’s your limitation?

Friday, October 9, 2009

OMG Use an expert.

There are companies that claim so much, yet fail in the fundamentals of teaching. If a student cannot interoperate the copy, or deliver a read that complements the copy, then what’s the point? I have researched and have sent students off to places all over the country on my dime just to see what my so called competitors are up to. To my amazement, substance and relevance were sorely lacking in most. Please ask good questions, in my blog I have posted titled, how to choose a voice-coach...PLEASE READ!!! It’s sad that many are led a stray by wolves, do your homework! and you won’t be disappointed.

I have redone many demos from these workshops/ seminars to reeducate and reenergize an individual that was taken to the cleaners. I am just glad I am not the only caring coach out there. There are many exceptional ones that are worth every dime they make. So use your noggin, and use a real expert!

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Making the most out of each opportunity

When the phone rings, or the e-mail says you have a job that requests your voice, be ready to impress. Proper phone educate and listening to pertinent information about the project is all part of the gig. Listening is so much of the job, making sure you understand where the director is coming from so you have the whole picture before taking to the mic.

You may not always be impressed with the client, or the job your doing, but how you carry yourself is all important.

I have heard of Guys and Gals that have totally ignored these rules and have missed out on the next wave of spots because they were not professional. A friend of mine says you have to “check yourself, before your wreck “yourself!
That’s one of my favorites for sure. So the next time you’re at it, remember to check yourself at the door, and make a good impression not just on the mic, but in the whole dealing with the client. That’s what I call Making the most out of each opportunity.

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Making money in Voice-overs

The idea for most people in the industry is to make money, and lot’s of it right! Well you may have to place a dollar amount on how much you will need to have so you feel you have arrived. For some $150,000 is all they need to be happy...Still others need $300,000 and so on. The incentives in making more money is contingent on several factor’s your time, popularity, and availability to the movers & shakers in the industry. We all want to do well financially speaking it’s a given! Just keep in mind that money follows success...Are you successful? Now perhaps your phone is not ringing and your bank account is not impressive, don’t worry a means to do more, so if you need more money, you’re going to have to get your voice out there so people know who you are. Some have managers to assist with this process, others use marketing and pr firms to accomplish this, and still others use their own methods. Let me suggest doing some of this through PR/Management and self promotion. If no one knows who you are, how can you expect lightning to strike? So how much money do you want to make? Success means many things to many different people, ask yourself what you hope or want to accomplish with your carrier…many of us just want to continue doing what we love until the last breath. As you can tell, I love the business...It’s what I am made for and hope you feel the same.

Monday, October 5, 2009

Being you

There was a song in the 50’s my parent’s generation that talked about being true to your school-true to yourself. In a culture that seems fixated on stars and celebs it’s so hard for many to hold on to their own personas. I’m not saying everyone is walking around with an identity issue, it just clarifies something in my mind…Be happy with who you are as an individual living in a sea of many others.

We can get lost in the shuffle and end up stop listening to that voice inside of self! It’s the deep down you… that needs to get something done and do it better than anyone! Some of the best talents I have met are just themselves...Keep your eyes focused on being the best you. Besides you will be much happier and experts tell us, that will add years to your life. Have fun in the booth make your clients happy, your family happy, and everyone’s happy…what a deal, all because you are being you.

Friday, October 2, 2009

Push the envelope

I have been at the business of Voice-overs for over 15 years, so versatility and flexibility are my middle name. I do believe certain people should stick to one particular niche area that just makes sense for them. If you are a creature of the night, like me, you can seemingly take a piece of copy and make love to it like nobody’s business. If you’re looking to push the envelope and get your voice out of a certain stereo type that may be following you...break out of that box and learn another niche area, narration, promo, movie trailer-even Animation!

I teach people those areas and always realize it’s not a one size fits all world.
Go ahead and experiment with doing different reads, listen to the pro’s, and emulate the best you can. If you don’t practice you won’t be very good at any of these! In this age the more you can do, the better you’ll do! Roll up your sleeves and learn something new. Have a great weekend everyone.

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Live your dream

I have been in the middle of a move for the last several of days, and have found some interesting items from the past inside of a box that I thought was discarded with the trash years ago. It was a demo of mine from 1990! What memories and good times with mentors and experiences that had shaped me into the person I am today. I stood there with the tape in hand and pondered these things. I found a cassette deck, blew the dust off it and powered it up and It was me….you know what, I listened to that cassette and smiled and thought to myself way to go! I never gave up, or gave in to the pressures of people saying I would never make it, of there’s no real money to be made; instead I remained steadfast on the road towards my goals and dreams. No matter what life brings you, stay true to your dreams, and never give up. Dreams are what makes life livable, and without them bad things happen to people if they never act upon them. Alright back to unpacking more boxes...Fun fun ;-)

Monday, September 28, 2009

The X factor continued:

A friend of mine put it this way, a straight line going across… with no hesitation or distraction. Or you just have the right stuff out of the park. Mainly speaking producers/agents are fickle, there’s s seemingly no rhyme or reason to their madness ;-)

I have seen this time and again with talent that had 30 years experience under their belt, to a talent that has no real experience, implode onto the scene. The X Factor is for the individual producer that thinks you are the bomb. When someone says to me a newbie has no place in the professional arena, I say BS...Let them step up to that mic. We all started where we were, and to limited that ability in us would have killed us. The politics and decision making on all levels is real…just remember to stay friendly, reachable, and most of all teachable. Now you know what that X factor is really all about.

Friday, September 25, 2009

Do you have the X factor?

Producers/agents talk of something referred as the X factor that something special that sets a talent apart from the litter. Now I say this tongue and cheek, The X factor is not the run of the mill everyday stuff on any station USA,,its more. The temperament the tonality the entire delivery says you are different, you are unique and uninhibited to be you. Do you have the X Factor? More on this, Monday.

Thursday, September 24, 2009

What do people say about you?

Some would say hot air, others might say ego.

What I have found along my journey in VO, is nothing of the sort- when it comes to true professionals. Don Keys, a radio legend who passed away several years ago, gave me some advice in my early- early years. No one like’s a Mr. Know it all! I was “20” something then… and it really cut my ego to the core. I thought I was hot stuff and then some. Your character is your calling card, what do people say about you?

Make it a point to emulate good character good habits and etiquettes that go without saying. I have been amazed at how talented a person can be yet their demeanor is pretty scary to say the least. Talent can only take you so far, your person is as important as the product. So practice your lines, and practice good people skills, its good common sense, that just might put more money into your bank account.

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Teaching an old dog a new trick ;-)

Many people have been forced out of careers due to the recession and have gone back down memory lane to dream again...What they originally wanted to do before life and living set in.

There was a time and place in America if you had a good voice, and there was a station you would have a great shot at loaning your pipes to them. It’s a different world now, technology has given Voice-over talent more ways to promote and send their work to the client in real time. If you are wondering if you can learn a new trick at your age, I say yes you can! Many times men & woman as they mature have character a certain charm and clarity that sells you! And the nice thing is it’s not your looks that book you it’s your voice, your talent.

So Men & woman age is not a factor unless you Allow it to be. There are many seniors making great money in VO, who can tell you to take an aspirin for your heart...A 20 year old? Plavex from a 30 year old, you got to be kidding! So age away, stop dying your hair, let your age be a benefit, you earned it!

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

I’m your man attitude

The clients happy and your moving on to the next project, its 5:30 pm, you get ready to step into the sound booth and the phone rings….Could you recut lines 2 & 3 The client prefers that you say it this way opposed to the way you were doing it, Ok? Sure thing! The I’m your man attitude of making it the way the client wants it with a smile is the way it should be time & again. Now if this was an ISDN or phone patch job we would have nipped that right then. Good customer service and always attention to detail will give your client peace of mind they made the right choice.

Sometimes Shit happens and you get a client that pays well but they are a pain in the, you know...Let’s just say it for what it is ASS. Going the extra mile like multiple takes and being creative during a session is thoughtful and gives you a chance to show off your skill set. By doing these things well and frequently, will make you stand out and score the gigs that the other guy misses out on because he didn’t have the, I’m your man attitude.

Monday, September 21, 2009

I live in market 10,000 can I make it?

Not all of us live in NYC or Los Angeles so what can you do? Send your demos out to agencies big and small all across the country! Now If your thinking that just sounds so dam easy…well I used to hear this and didn’t get the work because I didn’t realize what was involved with persistence, in making calls following up with Leeds, and just being in the business of selling myself.

When my 6 year old daughter Kaily was born I worked my tail off with a fire inside of me that kept me sharp and in tune with what really mattered. I say this, what really matters to you? What is your motivation factor for success?

You have to have a motivating spirit to make it, in this world! Not just make it, but fly. I love what I do! Keep the fire going inside you, reach hire...Don’t quite. So even if you’re in market whatever! Aspire to be the best there, because there, is really here! It doesn’t really matter where you are; it’s what you can do. If a producer/agent thinks you’re the best man for the job, you got it.

Friday, September 18, 2009

A game plan

A guidance counselor once asked me what I wanted to be when I grew up, I said working in broadcasting! I knew from an early age say around 11 or 12 what I really wanted to do. Now it didn’t hurt that my father was a broadcast engineer. Perhaps you’re getting into this business much more later in life...Don’t worry about that, concentrate on the time you have and move forward.

Having a Game Plan is always recommended! As far as success go’s at this trade you have to be booking gigs, that’s the bottom line. Nailing the lines, keeping the agency happy, and or client should be your goal. A game plan is a life plan, it takes what you want to accomplish and sets it up for future successes. See I left no room for error, yes we miss the mark...But it shouldn’t keep you from going back to the plan.

What is your game plan, how are you looking out on base? Life’ is like a game of base ball, you hit some and you miss some, we want to have a good swing and hitting many outside of the ballpark.

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Just Press Play

Ok so you’re looking at your demo and getting ready to shoot it to your next great leed do... you know who some of their clients are? Who is currently being represented by that agency? Now some of you already do your home work, and this is rather rudimentary to you, believe it or not...Many never ask or give it a second thought, yet they just want somebody to “Just press play”

If you’re going to succeed at any great level in the industry, you must discipline yourselves to research and networking. I am blown away at how many jobs just end up in front of me because I was among the movers and shakers who have the pulse on where the jobs are. Now I do believe your demo should speak for itself, however if it ends up in the trash, what good is it? Make notes, follow up, and believe in yourself that your talent deserves a home with XYZ agency.

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

How to choose a Voice-over Coach

I’m a Voice-coach/ Voice-over artist making a living from using my voice on Radio and television or wherever else they decide to pop me on ;-) Let me first say, there are many Voice Coaches that care about your success! I want this to help in you choosing a quality Voice coach that can deliver what they pitch you. The failsafe test for coaches in my opinion is as follows.

#1 how long have you been doing professional Voice-overs?
#2 what radio/TV Campaigns have I heard you on?
#3 when did you become a Voice-over coach?
#4 why should I utilize your services?
#5 what professional references could you provide other than a radio station?
#6 what’s your success rate? Please explain!
#7 how do you decide, if I am suited for the business?
#8 what connections can you offer, agencies, agents, etc.
#9 Will I be an expert after your coaching? Answer...Should be NO!!! It takes time, experience to hold that title. But after getting a gig and many more you’re on your way.
#10 Where is your studio? Many have home studios, some good, some well… make sure you ask them what they use to produce with and if they themselves are the demo producers? Many use others to do this, who are they?

I truly hope this gets’ plenty of buzz among the Voice-over Universe and beyond! Sometimes, asking good questions can cut down on the insanity of chasing your tail.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Make your mark.

The legacy of the late Don La Fontain Left an indelible mark on the industry! He was truly a talent, and a trail blazer who dared to embark on untraveled roads that led to over whelming success. Many want to be like him, and I think that’s an amazing tribute to the man behind the mic.

It turns out Don was loved outside of his profession for being a good soul. His generosity and hospitality should be a lesson to all of us who call ourselves VO talent. Perhaps Don’s legacy will inspire another wave of new unknown talent to set new meaning to the silver screen! Yes Don was big, and will always be remembered for setting the stage, thanks Don! for allowing us to set the bar all so much higher. Make your mark; make your career a passion that’s where great things happen.

Monday, September 14, 2009

Dare to be different

We live in a world that is so cookie cutter and pc correct where being an individual seems wrong? Yes there’s the main stream persona’s and does & don’ts… but being true to yourself and what makes you different then all the others is what will set you apart. I see it when a phoney” persona is being played out, it’s really sad, because that’s what they have been taught or now believe to be their ticket to being successful.

I say dare to be different, be you, and be happy….This will help you in the long run in more ways than I could share. Now I’m not saying to be arrogant or rude, rather a person that others want to hear what you have to say. You’re important, take care of yourself give the best and be the best at everything you do.

Friday, September 11, 2009

Practice makes perfect

It’s funny looking back at how natural it was for me to grab stuff out of magazines and just start reading it the way I thought it should sound! The repetition and hearing myself over and over, and over again gave me a terrific education, and most of the copy in magazines is actual ad campaign material

I Live in Tampa Florida, and have sat on the side lines to watch The Buccaneers practice. The one thing that really sticks out for me, is the repetition of the same moves being executed time & again. These guys didn’t even complain they, did exactly what the coach said to do.
The reason is to be ready for the big game, are you ready? Don’t try to skate by and go without training, and mentorship, the biggest and best talents I know get this fundamental truth. Some of the basics are listening, fine tuning your delivery, variations of tone, and acting the part that you’re playing.

Make the most out of your sessions; ask yourself how you could make it better, what you liked, and what you didn’t like. Be careful doing this without professional guidance! sometimes you can be going in the wrong direction not knowing better. The main thing is Practice… you cannot improve, unless you put the time into your instrument. Remember, practice makes perfect.

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Super VO

It’s a bird it’s a…. VO! So you are lucky enough to have made it to the world of Voice-over, a melting pot of personality’s and stories that will entertain you! It can be a mad house on some days at studio 1A at my headquarters in Tampa...But good kind of crazy if you know what I mean.

Phones ringing off the hook, the client needs to redo, X 5 or 6 changes. Man you got to love it! Its action and you roll with it until the job is finished.
(Yes on some days I feel like super VO) But I was able to get it done regardless of the events of the client changing the copy on me. Yes I get stressed, and yes I get irritated on occasion...The redoes I got paid for, so it was a good day for me.

Never allow people to steal the fun out of what you love to do…they will try you here and there, just remember you’re the man or Woman of your studio, and it’s your voice they want. So up, up and away.

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Not just another voice

A friend in the voice business, Bob Bergen said to me recently that the industry doesn’t need another voice, it needs you. Who are you? What makes you uniquely you? There are plenty of sound alkies and such out there! His point to me was to be true to myself and allow my personality to shine through. Voice-coaches can help you identify market niches that fit your voice structure and personality. How far one stretches to become master at many types of reads is up to the individual. We all have people we look up to, keep looking up to them...but in doing so emulate what they are doing right. Put yourself out there for critique but be sure where it comes from!!! I hear many demos that someone told that someone that they were great, and I had to break the news to them it wasn’t so special.

All of us are capable of great things in life; seek out exemplary talent, coaches that live the life of being depended upon in the voice industry, find out what others say about them, it’s a small world in Voice-overs, professionals know who is making it, and who is not. So don’t just be another voice, be absolutely you.

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

The big gig

Voice-over people love the big jobs, exposure is great and the payout is nice. I’m reminded how many seemingly small jobs I did until the big break, and couldn’t believe it happened. That was well over 15 years ago for me. Now I live in Florida and have made sacrifices to stay here for my family, meaning I do smaller jobs regionally & nationally that some bigger guys would most likely pass on by.

The good news you don’t always have to live in the bigger cities to land gigs with the big agencies, but if you do land with them, you must deliver on a timely bases. The big gigs are nice to land no doubt, but you can do well for yourself by doing small to medium size accounts, just don’t let them use you! Shoot for the stars yes just remember to keep it real no matter who you’re doing work for, big or small, money is money.

Monday, September 7, 2009

Labor Day

My 6 year old daughter asked me what Labor Day was for? I said it was a holiday to let the hard working people take some time off to enjoy the day.

The first Labor Day holiday was celebrated on Tuesday, September 5, 1882, in New York City, in accordance with the plans of the Central Labor Union. The Central Labor Union held its second Labor Day holiday just a year later, on September 5, 1883.
In 1884 the first Monday in September was selected as the holiday, as originally proposed, and the Central Labor Union urged similar organizations in other cities to follow the example of New York and celebrate a "workingmen's holiday" on that date. The idea spread with the growth of labor organizations, and in 1885 Labor Day was celebrated in many industrial centers of the country.

Now my daughter was satisfied with my condensed version of the meaning of Labor Day, but that wouldn’t justify my day off completely unless I gave a more accurate answer! So now you know;-) Happy Labor Day.

Saturday, September 5, 2009

It’s the economy

There’s no doubt things are tough all over! I hear everyday how a business closes, and how a new business opens its doors. We can get so focused on how many things are wrong, and how things are not working, that we have totally lost our focus in business, because we allowed the circumstance to overshadow our destiny. I believe in purpose, chance, positive thinking, and being the best at what I do.

Let me suggest you do the same wherever you are, and whoever you may be. Your attitude largely determines where you will end up. My father would tell me and my 4 other siblings when we were slacking off, to get with the program! I say Get with the program today, tomorrow, and every day. It may be the economy today, but what about tomorrow?

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Getting organized

Getting your contacts and keeping up with them can sometimes feel like a fulltime job. Get a business card organizer so you can quickly scan through them, yes you can have them digitally in your computer as well, but having a hard copy is not such a bad idea. Back up redundancy in your studio or office is always a must do, there’s many places online that you can store files, and its well worth it!

I have lost hard drives, back it up! Keeping up with your contacts can never be over stated, many in the industry use post cards, it adds a personal touch and it says you took the time to hand write it and mailed it. Keeping yourself in front of people is the best way to market yourself, take the time to organize your office, studio…and while you’re at it, your car. Doing these things consistently will help you feel more confidant and keep you from losing touch with the very people you’re trying to impress, so get organized!

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Following your dream

So many come to me wanting to get into the voice-over world…many say this was something they dreamed of doing years ago! Time, circumstance and living got in the way somehow. In a way I feel like I’m a dream maker with the training I provide.
When I was a boy I desired to be on the radio, my father a broadcast engineer took me to many stations and I enjoyed the exposure of seeing how a radio station really operated. My love for broadcasting and the voice-over business grew because of the kindness of others teaching me the ropes and allowing me to make mistakes in the process of developing into a professional talent.

I must say, many tried to talk me out of my pursuit of what I believed to be my calling in life...Each time I turned my back, and carried my love for the business with me and succeeded!

Don’t get me wrong, its competitive, it can get crazy out there, but if you believe in your dream, follow it. I lost my Dad 14 years ago of a heart attack he was only 50. I miss him, but I know he would have wanted me to follow all my dreams. Please follow yours there’s no greater happiness.

Monday, August 31, 2009

Radio Verses Voice-Over World!

Many people in radio assume that because they have voiced a zillion spots, their qualified to be called expert in voice-over! Not always so. If the measure is just the station you’re working for, great! But if you want to break into the voice-over universe so to speak, you need to rethink several things. First off Agency’s most always never use so called radio people, at least the big agencies! Don’t just take my word for it, ask around.

Now that doesn’t mean you don’t have talent, or a nice voice! Voice-over and voice artistry is indeed magic, and can be described many different ways by many different people. Mainly there’s a polish, a sound that producers know it when they hear it…Become familiar with the in sounds much like music, but applied for the Voice-over world. It’s like a melody being played; you hear it on TV, the radio & your computer all of that can give you an idea of what is being utilized in the real world today.

You can never disqualify training and leadership by people in the business, most are very real and have learned by someone who took them under their arm and returned the favor!

Saturday, August 29, 2009

Get Noticed

We all want to succeed in our career’s right? Listening to casting agents, big time voice-guys and gals, getting noticed is not always the way we plan. When lightning strikes will you be ready to impress? The stories from water cooler talk is, at a hotel desk, on a shuttle bus, the plan ride...Or waiting for a cab, a conversation takes place that inevitably Leeds to what you do for a living.

You say, I’m a voiceover talent. Chances are… they will ask if they’ve heard you before. You say… “I don’t know if you have? Hand them a card and a demo. You would be surprised how things like that turn into big jobs. Want to get noticed? Be ready for the opportunities, get out there and mingle, talk to people that are related to the industry, everyone knows somebody bigger then themselves. If you want things to start happening for you, get out there yourself and get you noticed….when you do that, then you will get noticed. Now the rest is up to you.

Friday, August 28, 2009

Put your heart into it

There is a time for each person to make up their minds whether or not there heart is truly into it! It amazes me how non-challant people can be with their careers, or their very lives. You have heard it said, if you knew you only had 30, or 60 days to live, what would you do?

Most of you reading this have hopefully much more time to live your dreams. Are you putting your heart into voice-overs? Do you want to be good, ok, mediocre? Put your heart into your passion, take the time to absorb the atmosphere around you and become the ball like in the classic movie, Caddie Shack. (SEE THE MOVIE IF YOU STILL HAVENT SEEN IT) Why live without doing otherwise, a dirt nap will come soon enough, get going with your plans and stop listening to negative voices.

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Our August mad day's sale is on

Our August mad day's sale is on! Get our top rated Gold system deluxe reg 1,800.00 now $975.00 Our Platinum Advantage Reg $1500.00 Now 700.00

The Silver Bullet System Reg 1,000 now $500.00 THEASE PRICES GOOD NOW- AUGUST 31, 2009! Call (813) 443-5103 or www.57thstreetmedia

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

paying the price

I had a most interesting day yesterday to go along with several other days of bad car days! I purchased a used car that seemed to just need a few things here and there…but nothing major…well it turns out the starter, the Ac unit, the alternator , the battery, the ignition all needed to be fixed. You see I didn’t use an expert on cars to tell me these things before buying; instead I went on the so called good word of the seller. I watched the mechanic as he fixed my car with grease and sweet all over him.

I thought to myself, he knows exactly what he’s doing and it’s getting fixed the way I was promised in the beginning. Yes there was a price to be paid; you know I paid it gladly ;-) Some think we live the life of glamour in the Voice business, it’s not easy, but it’s what we do, because we love it, and we know what we’re doing, because we have earned the right to step into a studio, voice the project and collect a check for a job well done.

It’s worth paying the price for training, for seminars, for ongoing education in your field, don’t short change yourself, use an expert!

Consult someone that knows what they’re doing, I learned the hard way buying this car I have, but it’s a reminder that we cannot always wear rose colored glasses.

Monday, August 24, 2009

Go it alone attitude

In my 20,s I had to learn some lessons that I wish many I come across would have learned. That is, It’s not a go it alone world! Example I don’t need a coach, I work in radio and have done thousands of spots, why would I pay you or anyone else? It’s true that person properly did voice those spots at that radio station, but did he really get paid for it? And where did those spots air? was there residuals to be made from that?

On a local level if that is where you are at a station that is different from being a professional Voice-over artist.
The simplest way to put it for radio guy’s… you knows when a spot came in from an agency? The spot was written, voiced, produced by a professional talent that works on the agency level. There’s a noticeable difference when it’s done right. Seek someone on a larger level then you, no matter who you are. Visit us at

Friday, August 21, 2009

I have worked with Zurek during a Voice-over seminar earlier this year and was blown away by his real passion for the business! is a professional portal into the very workings of the industry itself. Now it’s really a small world when you explore what’s inside, but what you’ll find is a healthy spirit of men & woman who want to be the very best at what they do. I am proud to be a member, and now on the who’s who page of professional voice-coaches in the United States.
Explore the blogs listen to the audio, learn all you can, there’s much to know, and plenty of amazing talent that have been very kind to me through the years. Bob Souer, Bob Bergen, Don Morrow who all have lent me their ear from time to time to better direct my efforts in business, or the art of Voice-over’s itself. Like I say often to my student’s, aspire to be higher...Keep looking to the pro’s that have been doing this for eons!

“Unleash your VO beast”

Posts Tagged ‘57th street media’
Voiceover Expo 2009 was a hit!
Saturday, March 14th, 2009
March 14, 2009 (Plantation, FL.) - My first thought when I saw the ad for Voiceover Expo 2009 on Craigslist was, “Oh Boy! This is probably just another person trying to cash in, but quickly after the smoke in my head cleared I said, “You find diamonds in the unlikeliest places.”

Keith Alan & Voiceover Expo 2009 were just that!

Fifty or so people sat in the conference room taking notes and nibbling on the refreshments the Expo provided while Keith spoke about his early childhood years, the importance of organization, generosity and humility.

Though the event was for beginners, some true heavy weights showed up. Gary Travers, A real pro who owns, spoke about the integrity of running a pay site, and the difference between an announcer and a real person. Also in attendance were Courtney Young, Vanessa James, “The Spanish Voice” Carlos Estanga and the “Un nouncer” Doug Turkel.

All in all, I give Voiceover Expo 2009 an A+, and look forward to next one.

Tags: 57th street media, alan, carlos, doug, gary, james, keith, spanish, stanga, travers, turkel, unnouncer, vanessa, voice
Posted in Uncategorized | 1 Comment »

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Be great

Have you ever strived to do something good, perhaps even great? Why not great? Think about how you felt when you got an A when you studied and passed with flying colors...Was it worth it? To be great, you need to think big, play big and talk big. Now this might seems like a pep talk, it is and it’s what really motivates me to persevere when others come & go. I am relentless; you need to be the same if you are going to be great.

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Finding your voice

The process of finding your voice can seem frightening and exciting for a growing VO Talent, developing different niche areas such as, narration, Promo; Movie trailer can broaden your opportunities greatly.
Remember never assume you are a know it all! Make sure you work with a PROFESSIOANL that “knows how to critique you and cultivate your delivery” so you can be the voice that is needed.

I have found that no matter how much I think I know...there’s always much more to learn. Finding your voice, or in this case voice's expands your reperture and greatly opens more doors because of your versatility.

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Step right up to the mic

For 20 plus years I have been doing professional Voice-overs, that in no way means a new comer cannot break into the business. What Bob Bergen recently told me was, the industry doesn’t need another voice…it needs another you! You are one of a kind, your personality, your spin on it ultimately will set you apart from voices that just seems to fill the space. So step right up to the mic! Visit our home page at

Saturday, August 15, 2009

It’s a great time to get into the business

Voice-over’s mean different things to many people, the fact is, professional Voice-over artist’s know the true meaning of this talent.

Yes acting is a part of it, but knowing what’s right for you and works well for you can only be determined by working with a Voice-over coach. If you’re knocking yourself out, and not getting results, try a new approach like hiring a skilled coach.

The first 3 packages 57th Street Media has to offer are ½ off until August 31, 2009 Hurry and RSVP your package.

Friday, August 14, 2009

Stop complaining

It’s a human tendency to wine and complain and have a grown up temper tantrum! The reality is it usually doesn’t change the outcome of the situation. Yes it might feel good for a moment, but ultimately its time wasted. I had a boss when I worked for a large radio group in Tampa who thought it was his mission in life to brow beat me and hold me down.
I worked for this guy for 6 precious years, he didn’t keep me there, and it was by my choice I stayed…until I decided it was enough, the relationship ended. The moral of this story is simple…STOP Complaining about it, do something about your situation. Life is short, opportunities come and go, I believe if you stay positive and do the right thing, opportunities will come your way.

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Keeping things going

I often get people in this downed economy ask how I still find work doing VO? First I stay in-touch with company's-agency's, who may not have used me for awhile! Secondly, I make it a point to let those people know how much I appreciate the relationship we have. Thirdly, when I get the ring from the client, I get it done ASAP! Company's like to think, they are#1 and you know to me, they are. Keep knocking on those doors, keep being excellent at what you do....being professional is not over rated. Visit our home page at