Thursday, September 8, 2011

What does "VO" mean to you?

Voiceover means many different things to many different people. What does it mean to you? I start this off reminding myself of the most important people that thought it necessary to expound on what it meant to them. Don Key’s a legend in broadcasting told me over 15 years ago, that Voiceover was making it real, telling a story, painting picture or taking the words and breathing into them. All are great example’s don’t you think? What does VO mean to you?

Friday, June 24, 2011

The magic behind the mic!

One of the nicest complements I think I receive as a voice talent is, is that’s you? It really never gets old when hearing it! because it is a small reminder of the magic behind the mic. I will never forget when I was assisting a studio engineer with a project while a short bald headed man walked into the studio and reminded us of his session…. now you would never believe what happened to me when I looked up and heard this guys’ voice! My jaw dropped and I just marveled at how polished and professional this man was. Never assume anything…take it from me 5 cities latter and 25 years in VO! The business is full of unassuming people that are unbelievably talented, and are so humble that it humbles me in the process. Just remember the magic is behind the mic and keeping it there will allow for moments of awe to fill the air when people learn it is you.

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Be real!

There are two many Sunday Christians right? But not enough real people! I liken religion to this because what I find as a Voice-talent and Voice coach people trying to be something there not! Specifically the area in which they’re trying to break into, such as Movie trailer, or Narration to name a few. Why kill yourself when your not meant for that part? Be real and step back and allow true pro’s to look at what your doing to determine if what your doing is truly what you should be doing. I’m all for trying new things and expanding into new areas, but not to the point it hurts my chances in the business. Find your moneymaking voice/voices and go from there. I write these blog’s for those that need to be reminded or informed of the reality’s that face all… who do, what is known as VO.

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

State of mind

Billy Joel’s New York State Of Mind” is a classic song that evokes many good memories of New York growing up and working in radio. My central theme is, State of mind because like the song we have to be in some state of mind each day! I’m convinced that our attitudes largely determine our success or failures in life. Voice acting allows us to play different rolls and pushes us outside our comfort zones. Use your mind to paint the success you want…envision the future the way you want it, don’t hold back, make it as grand or bland as you want it to be. Perhaps Billy never thought a blog would be written in contrast to his song, but I think its very fitting when it comes to our state of mind! What do you think?