Monday, May 24, 2010

Realizing your potential

Have you ever doubted yourself? It’s not that you suffer from depression or low self esteem; it’s when you just don’t know what to think…you’re at the point where you just don’t know what to do! I have been there, and you know what…it helps me to go through that now and then to reset. A good old fashioned reality check sometimes is in order. In business you’re in control of your destiny, I believe that; and hope you do as well. If you are going to realize your full potential in Voice-over, jump off the cliff and enjoy the ride….Yes it’s unnerving, but it’s worth the risk and the lessons learned. If I hadn’t gone into the production business and rented a location many years ago, I wouldn’t have realized what a blessing it is to work for myself. Stop look and listen, advice given to children when crossing the road...Its advice we adults need all the time. Take advantage of daily opportunities all around you...Who knows, you may even surprise yourself!