Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Voices are subjective

Will I get the gig, or not? Will they like my voice style or delivery? If you’re a seasoned Vo talent, you know this is all subjective. So many things go on in the minds of decision makers, producers that sometimes it’s just they had something different on their minds, like Morgan Freeman or a Jay Leno sound alike and they never mentioned that in the audition. If you’ve been in the business long enough, you understand the game and don’t get bent out of shape if you don’t score every audition.

My rule of thumb is… get as much information possible, then understand to the fullest what the director is seeking! Then give my best performance in the booth. What we think & what happens on the other end, perhaps we will never no! So
Keep auditioning, keep sending stuff out…its what we do to persevere in this thing we call VO. http://www.57thstreetmedia.com

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Change your thinking change your life.

Perhaps you have heard somebody say that thoughts are things? Well they are! And what you entertain becomes your reality. Positive thinkers like Norman Vincent Pele and Dr. Robert Schuler both said this and taught that negative thoughts created negative environments. If you really believe this, then what thoughts do you entertain? Is it of success and triumph, or disaster and despair? Take a moment and envision what success looks like, now think of what failure looks like. Both of these are reality’s, what one would you rather entertain and follow? I’m with the success one and will make that my daily focus as I endeavor to reach out and broaden my brand throughout the country. Maybe you need to change your thinking today and don’t be surprised in doing so what things might come. http://www.57thstreetmedia.com